Heart of Gratitude
Heart of Gratitude
(solo piano)
Released November 2011
Limited edition autographed copy
$13.00 (price includes S&H for US Orders Only)
One dollar of every purchase will be donated to the Pediatric Aids Foundation
“Heart Of Gratitude” (aka A Grateful Heart) is a solo piano recording by award winning pianist and composer Kevin Toney that features nine original compositions. In this collection Kevin brings the piano alive with spiritual flavor and passion, while still being true to his jazz and classical roots, blending notes that sound familiar to your spirit, yet to your ear are fresh and new. In describing this project Kevin shares that “My mission is to take the listener on a spiritual journey through music, providing a haven for reflection, prayer, joy and an enduring hope that will encourage a deeper connection with God.” Heart Of Gratitude is companion CD to Kevin’s book “The Virtuous Man – Breaking The Men’s Code“.
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1. Stars In The Sky
2. Morning Prayer
3. Conversations With My Father
4. With A Child’s Heart
5. Heart of Gratitude
6. Giving Thanks
7. Agape Love
8. New is Beautiful
9. Majestic Splendor